Below shows some steps to test populating the pvt_key_last_backup_date of the sys.certificates DMV.
The code for testing is here:
USE testdb; -- ***** master key created so a certificate can be created *****' CREATE MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = '$trongPa55'; -- ***** certificate created ***** CREATE CERTIFICATE testcert WITH SUBJECT='testcertsub'; -- ***** show pvt_key_last_backup_date ***** SELECT name,pvt_key_encryption_type_desc,pvt_key_last_backup_date FROM sys.certificates; -- ***** now to populate pvt_key_last_backup_date column ***** BACKUP CERTIFICATE testcert TO FILE = 'c:\test\testcert.cer' WITH PRIVATE KEY ( FILE = 'c:\test\dmk_tesdb.pvk', ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'another$trongPa55'); -- ***** show pvt_key_last_backup_date ***** SELECT name,pvt_key_encryption_type_desc,pvt_key_last_backup_date FROM sys.certificates; -- ***** clean-up drop certificate so we can drop the master key ***** DROP CERTIFICATE testcert; -- ***** clean-up drop master key ***** DROP MASTER KEY;