Fany Carolina Vargas sure does a great roundup newsletter and Mays can be found here.
Author: kevin
SSMS SQL Server cmdlets
In SQL Server Management Studio 17.0 the PowerShell module was moved into the PowerShell gallery.
This means that you may see the following:
When you go to you currently see:
I don’t know about you, but it suddenly seems that a simple tweak to SSMS has become a headache for DBAs.
Performing a search gives 4 results and it looks like the matteot_msft is the correct one. Having company package under a users name doesn’t sound like a good idea to me, possibly this should be a team account?
So how do you download it?
lol mind blown, KISS appears to have gone out the window :)
If you’ve made it this far and have an internet connection the supplied method is:
Save-Module -Name SqlServer -Path
Install-Module -Name SqlServer
Lets give it a try:
It’s now requesting NuGet provider version ‘’ or newer
Once completed you’ll see the folder and files
For the next step, I received the following message which requested for -Force to be used:
Once completed, the SSMS error message no longer occurs
Using Tail with PowerShell
Yes from PowerShell 3.0 there is the ability to use the Tail parameter in Get-Content.
Details can be found here.
Say you wanted to look at a SQL 2016 default instance errorlog file based on a D drive you could use:
Get-Content "D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Log\ERRORLOG" -Tail 10 –Wait
SQL Server Mobile Report Publisher install
If you come across the following error when attempting to install SQL Server Mobile Report Publisher
you’ll likely find that the currently link doesn’t work
At this time the requirement can be found here. Note: After the install you may be requested for the server to be restarted. You don’t have to, but it’s a good idea to do so.
The install then should go smoothly.
Given that Visual Studio 2017 is now out, we’ll hopefully be seeing this legacy 2013 requirement removed.
View top 5 rows in all views
A few years ago I did a blog on viewing sample rows in all used tables.
Here is another similar query which allows you to peek at the top 5 rows in each view.
SELECT 'SELECT TOP 5 ''[' + SCHEMA_NAME([schema_id]) + '].[' + [name] + ']'' AS view_name, * FROM [' + DB_NAME() + '].[' + SCHEMA_NAME([schema_id])+ '].[' + [name] + '] WITH (NOLOCK);' FROM sys.all_views ORDER BY [name];
If you are using Azure SQL Database, then use the following which removes the use of the NOLOCK hint:
SELECT 'SELECT TOP 5 ''[' + SCHEMA_NAME([schema_id]) + '].[' + [name] + ']'' AS view_name, * FROM [' + DB_NAME() + '].[' + SCHEMA_NAME([schema_id])+ '].[' + [name] + '];' FROM sys.all_views ORDER BY [name];
Dubious default settings
The installation process of SQL Server is continually evolving.
Recently the setup allowed tempdb file adjustments with a default of 4 files and the ability to grant the Perform Volume Maintenance Task privilege.
Such a focus on tempdb was a surprise to me as in the 13+ years I’ve worked with SQL Server (tackling literally tens of thousands of instances) there was only once when more than 1 data file was required. To put this in perspective, the SQL Server was accessed by all students at a large university and the tempdb GAM contention was obviously clear. Adding another single data file (2 in total) to this high spec server resolved the issue.
Adding additional tempdb files, to me is an advanced feature and should be carefully considered so as to not waste disk space, ensure even file growths, minimize complexity etc.
In my view it would have been more productive for Microsoft to have focused the setup on the following:
- set memory limits (this has to be done 100% of the time) and don’t stop with the engine, include SSAS and SSRS
- set max degree of parallelism (I believe the default of 0 is incorrect, rather it should be 1 as most instances are not dedicated to a hosting a single application due to licensing costs,consolidation etc)
- set backup compression (should be defaulted to 1)
- set optimize for ad hoc workloads (should be defaulted to 1)
- allow setting Perform Volume Maintenance Tasks (tick)
- allow setting Lock Pages in Memory
- allow enabling remote admin connections
- allow setting the listening port and adding the appropriate firewall entry (this would likely save thousands of can’t connect issues)
SQL Server Reporting Services – May 2017 Preview installer
Here’s a quick look at the new CTP 2.1 Reporting Services installer setup which can be found here.
There is only the one option:
The next screen looks like additional options will be added.
At this stage Reporting Services is now installed:
It default is SSRS
The usual settings are there including the new Power BI Service (Cloud)
Final service pack for SQL Server 2012
The customary final service pack for SQL Server 2012 is just a round the corner before the product exits mainstream support in July and is sealed to all but security and critical bug fixes.
Yep no edition of SQL Server has ever had a Service Pack 5 :)
What are the key things SQL Server 2012 will be remembered for? Possibly:
- introduced AlwaysOn Availability Groups
- introduced Columnstore indexes
- the infamous transition to core based licensing
- introduced the short lived Business Intelligence edition
- introduced (partial) contained databases
- introduced LocalDB
- BIDS replaced with SSDT
How to bypass the SQL Server Express database size limit
Yeah this has been possible for years with no funky sharding etc, but given the memory and cpu limitations it doesn’t make much sense in most scenarios.
If on the other hand you have an application that just needs to dump/archive data into an ever growing table and you like working with SQL Server, then sure this could be an option. Now I’m not endorsing this, but yes it is possible.
Of course there is always a catch :)
Below shows that a hard limit is present i.e. when attempting to exceed 10GB in SQL Server 2016:
Now say you try the same thing with the master database and say bump it up to 15GB for fun:
SET NOCOUNT ON; USE [master]; ALTER DATABASE [master] MODIFY FILE ( NAME = N'master', FILEGROWTH = 15GB ); CREATE TABLE t (c1 nchar(4000)); GO INSERT INTO t(c1) VALUES ('1'); GO 700
It succeeds with no issue and the database is now its 15GB in size:
SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('Edition') AS [version],(size*8/1024) AS size_mb FROM sys.master_files WHERE 1=1 AND DB_NAME(database_id) = 'master' AND [type_desc] = 'ROWS';
You can also exceed the limit with model and tempdb but there is little point and will likely introduce issues as new databases (based on model) can’t be created.
Create a test fragmented index
The following script allows you to quickly create a fragmented index for testing:
USE tempdb; -- drop test table if exists IF (OBJECT_ID(N'akawn_t',N'U') IS NOT NULL) BEGIN DROP TABLE akawn_t; END --create table CREATE TABLE akawn_t (c1 float PRIMARY KEY, c2 nchar(1000)); GO --insert 100 records INSERT INTO akawn_t SELECT RAND(), '1'; GO 100 -- delete some records DELETE FROM akawn_t WHERE CAST((c1 * 100) AS smallint) % 2 = 1; GO -- view fragmentation SELECT '[' + OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(a.[object_id]) + '].[' + OBJECT_NAME(a.[object_id]) + ']' AS table_name ,b.[name] AS index_name ,a.avg_fragmentation_in_percent ,a.index_type_desc ,a.* ,b.* FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (DB_ID(), NULL, NULL , NULL, NULL) a, sys.indexes b WHERE 1=1 AND a.[object_id] = b.[object_id] AND a.index_id = b.index_id AND a.avg_fragmentation_in_percent > 1;