Identity Column Reseed Test

It’s quite common for an Identity column to be configured as an INT data type and the business is impacted when it fills-up.

Ideally the column would be changed to the BIGINT data type and the issue is resolved; however, sometimes this change is not quickly possible due to other objects using the column and/or resource constraints i.e. indexes, available disk space etc., and you have to stick with INT and transition to BIGINT at a later stage when possible.

If you need to stay with INT, the common solution is to start the reseed at -2,147,483,648 and let it work back to 0.

A test example for you is shown below:

/* create test table */
CREATE TABLE test_ident (c1 int IDENTITY (1,1), c2 float);

/* insert some records */
INSERT INTO test_ident (c2) SELECT RAND();
GO 5

/* view records */
SELECT * FROM test_ident;

/* reseed from -2,147,483,648 working back to 0*/
DBCC CHECKIDENT ('test_ident', RESEED, -2147483648); 

/* insert some records */
INSERT INTO test_ident (c2) SELECT RAND();
GO 5

/* view records */
SELECT * FROM test_ident;

/* drop test table */
DROP TABLE test_ident;

Below is an example of changing the Identity column to the BIGINT data type, if suitable for your scenario.

NOTE: A schema modify (SCH-M) lock is required on the table while the ALTER command runs.

/* create test table */
CREATE TABLE test_ident (c1 int IDENTITY (2147483647,1), c2 float);

/* try insert some records and only 1 will succeed*/
INSERT INTO test_ident (c2) SELECT RAND();
GO 5

/* view record */
SELECT * FROM test_ident

/* change indentity column to bigint */
ALTER TABLE test_ident ALTER COLUMN c1 bigint;

/* insert some records */
INSERT INTO test_ident (c2) SELECT RAND();
GO 5

/* view records */
SELECT * FROM test_ident

/* drop test table */
DROP TABLE test_ident;

NOTE: If you use SSMS to change the column type, it will drop and re-create the table. Therefore, rather use the ALTER TABLE command.

Another consideration is the impact that the reseed will have on your sort order.

Below demonstrates the effect of using a negative increasing reseed vs a negative decreasing reseed and if you need to emulate the BIGINT data type i.e. show values larger than 2,147,483,647.

/* reseed starting from -2147483648 and increasing */
DECLARE @t1 TABLE (ident int, inserted int);
INSERT INTO @t1 (ident,inserted) VALUES (1,1);
INSERT INTO @t1 (ident,inserted) VALUES (2,2);
INSERT INTO @t1 (ident,inserted) VALUES (3,3);
INSERT INTO @t1 (ident,inserted) VALUES (-2147483648,4);
INSERT INTO @t1 (ident,inserted) VALUES (-2147483647,5);
INSERT INTO @t1 (ident,inserted) VALUES (-2147483646,6);
,inserted AS reseed_increasing
,CASE WHEN ident < 0 THEN ((2147483648 * 2) + CAST(ident AS bigint)) ELSE ident END AS emulate_bigint
FROM @t1 ORDER BY ident ASC;

/* reseed starting from -1 and decreasing */
DECLARE @t2 TABLE (ident int, inserted int);
INSERT INTO @t2 (ident,inserted) VALUES (1,1);
INSERT INTO @t2 (ident,inserted) VALUES (2,2);
INSERT INTO @t2 (ident,inserted) VALUES (3,3);
INSERT INTO @t2 (ident,inserted) VALUES (-1,4);
INSERT INTO @t2 (ident,inserted) VALUES (-2,5);
INSERT INTO @t2 (ident,inserted) VALUES (-3,6);
,inserted AS reseed_decreasing
,CASE WHEN ident < 0 THEN 2147483647 - CAST(ident AS bigint) ELSE ident END AS emulate_bigint
FROM @t2 ORDER BY ident ASC;

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