Deadlock Basics

Below attempts to help with understanding deadlocks:


  • Collect both books in the order given.


  • Players cannot enter the room at the same time.
  • There are only 2 books available.
  • When a player picks up a book, they have to hold it for 1 minute before proceeding.
  • If a player cannot obtain a book without waiting, the player who entered the room last has to drop their book and restart.
Player 1Player 2
Time (HH:MM:SS)Objective: Obtain Book A and then Book B.Objective: Obtain Book B and then Book A.
10:00:00Enters the room.
10:00:01Enters the room.
10:00:05Finds Book A and picks it up.
10:00:15 Finds Book B and picks it up.
10:01:011 minute has passed. Sees that Book B is held by Player 2 and waits.
10:01:151 minute has passed. See that Player 1 has Book A. As per the rules; Player 2 acknowledges that they cannot obtain Book A without waiting and as Player 1 had entered the room first, Player 2 drops their book and exits the room (Player 2 is the DEADLOCK VICTIM).
10:01:16 Picks it up Book B.
10:01:17 Enters the room.
10:01:18 Sees that Book B is held by Player 1 and waits.
10:02:16 1 minute has passed and the objective have been achieved. Drops both books and exits the room.
10:02:17Sees that Book B is available and picks it up.
10:03:171 minute has passed and picks up Book A.
10:04:171 minute has passed and the objective has been achieved. Drops both books and exits the room.

If we now think of this in terms of SQL Server, a typical deadlock occurs as follows:

Session 1Session 2
Time (HH:MM:SS.nnn)
10:00:00.000Begins Transaction 1.
10:00:00.001 Begins Transaction 2.
10:00:00.002Starts a statement updating Table A.
10:00:00.003 Starts a statement updating Table B.
10:00:00.005Finished updating Table A and waits to update Table B.
10:00:00.007 Finished updating Table B. Needs to update Table A but cannot as it is still held by the Session 1 Transaction 1. Deadlocks, rolls back its changes and exits Transaction 2.
10:00:00.008 Starts a statement updating Table B.
10:00:00.009Session reconnects and begins Transaction 3. Sees that Table B is held by Session 1 and waits.
10:00:00.101Finished updating Table B and ends Transaction 1.
10:00:00.102 Starts a statement updating Table B.
10:00.00.106 Finished updating Table B. Starts a statement updating Table A.
10:00.00.108 Finished updating Table A and ends Transaction 3.


  • Multiple change Statements are operating in a single Transaction.
  • These Statements are changing more than one object.
  • While the Transaction is active, the changed objects are locked to allow for a possible rollback of the Statements.
  • Transactions with multiple change Statements are also accessing and locking objects in a different order to the other multiple Statement Transactions.

What you can try do to help reduce Deadlocks:

  • Use 1 Statement per Transaction.
  • If using multiple Statements per Transaction, try ensure that the Statements in the offending Transactions access the objects in the same order, so you end up with normal waits/blocking instead of Deadlocks.


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