With the release of CU8 (build 14.0.3029.16) today, AM detected the following changes since CU7:
New Messages
Message ID | Severity | Is Event Logged | Text |
997 | 16 | No | Failed to get the update lock on database ‘%.*ls’. |
12623 | 10 | No | Clone backup succeeded and is stored in %ls. |
12624 | 10 | No | Clone backup failed. |
12625 | 10 | No | RESTORE VERIFY failed on the clone backup %ls |
12626 | 10 | No | Clone database verification has passed. |
12627 | 10 | No | Clone database verification has failed. |
12628 | 10 | No | NO_STATISTICS and NO_QUERYSTORE options turned ON as part of VERIFY_CLONE. |
12629 | 10 | No | Database ‘%.*ls’ is a cloned database. |
12630 | 16 | No | VERIFY_CLONE option cannot be specified together with SERVICEBROKER option. |
33331 | 16 | No | DBCC CLEANUPCONVERSATIONS is not allowed on this server. |
33332 | 16 | No | DBCC CLEANUPCONVERSATIONS cannot be executed through MARS connection. |
41870 | 10 | No | Dropped %d Orphan Internal Table(s). |
Further info on DBCC CLONEDATABASE can be found here.
Changed Message
Message ID | New Text | Old Text |
12621 | Database ‘%.*ls’ is a cloned database. This database should be used for diagnostic purposes only and is not supported for use in a production environment. | Database ‘%.*ls’ is a cloned database. A cloned database should be used for diagnostic purposes only and is not supported for use in a production environment. |
Small wording change.